Wednesday, June 16, 2010

NASAAmes 2010PSTI -Day Three

-Today we worked on a few things:
Dr. Obeid ( math & science) (choice of planets, draw planets, explain planets properties, and finally create a graph that looks similar to the game tic-tac-toe planetary style)

-The planets my team mates and I ( team red planet) worked on were Jupiter and Saturn. We had a few descriptions of Jupiter's proprieties but we had a little more details on Saturn. We got most the work done today and we'll finish it up by Thursday of this week.

-After wards we were given a educational tour of Astrology, Life Science and Mars Exploration building. Our tour guide with Dr.Gormly gave us very educational and detail explanations on several scientific experiments that are being conducted for research of water recycling for space travel.

Some of these experiments are based on technical mechanical operations that are currently being used. (ex: forward membrane and reverse membrane draining and refitting of water and substances with it ( salt, etc).

There weren't really any challenges for the day- in my opinion.(other than working on planet descriptions).

Everything was really cool.

Quote of the day:
"Education is a social process. Education is growth. Education is, not a preparation for life; education is life itself."
John Dewey

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