Friday, June 25, 2010

June 24th NASA PSTI

Today my team and I had our biggest and final challenge of the internship. We presented our lesson plan to the fifth and sixth grade students. It seemed at first that my team and I weren't on that page, some of us were confused on what exactly we had to do. But like the good teachers that we plan to be we came through the challenge with bright colors.

Every member in my team talked and contributed to the lesson, none of us were interrupted during our lecturing but most importantly we all worked as team and had great time doing it. I was little nervous at first but once the students walked through that door I changed my shaky self to a teacher who ready for anything and everything. I have to give a big thank you to all my team members, everyone made smooth transitions through the lesson and no one really missed up.

There were really no negatives for today, the only thing we had for a suggestion of lesson plan was that we didn't mention that vocabulary words weren't on wall. I think the students seen the vocab sign though, I would catch students gaze at the posters that we set up on the wall ( mainly vocabulary words).

Quote of the day:"
Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one. "
Malcolm Forbes

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