Saturday, June 26, 2010

NASA PSTI 2010 June 22nd

Challenge: Today my team's objective was to be able to complete our lesson so that we can be prepared for our mock presentation tomorrow. For the most part my team was on track and we put in small but important details into our lesson; however one thing that we struggled with was on the idea of maximum weight our students escape pod had to be.
In this part of the lesson plan our students have five minutes to escape the ISS(International Space Station) to a near by asteroid to avoid a crashing comet. They must take only supplies that are necessary for their survival and have a specific weight load in order for the pod to leave the ISS.
My team had careful thought this part through and we decided it would be a great idea if we add the weighting portion in this part of the lesson plan. We did this in order to get the mathematics concepts implemented into the lesson. The concept of having a total weight number in grams would be hard to figure out, but most of us have good a idea were maxuiam of grams should weight.

In class we learned a lot of cool stuff, we found the true scale of the solar system and created our own new websites. In most posters and maps of the solar system planets are depicted to be very close to each other, however as we learned today by modeling the sun in smaller sacle and exactly mearsuring the planets in of milimeters most of the planets are millions of miles away from each other( to make the story short it took us a quarter of mile to get the whole scale of the solar system). The website were very easy to make and it was cool that we received some tips on what to and what not to put on our websites.

The star party was awesome, I got to see the moon's craters and some planets but the one to see was Saturn.

Quote of the day:"squirrel"

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