Friday, June 25, 2010

NASA PSTI June 23rd 2010

Our mock trail was today, every group had their own run through of their lesson plan. My group stayed up into the late hours of night. I wanted to get a good night sleep but I knew preparation for the lesson plan was more important. The two group members who really stepped it up were Kelly Hinojosa and Lauren Cargill(without these two members I don't know of the lesson plan would have all the great details that it did). I have to state that the rest of my team did their part and took responsibility for the work they had done.

We had some negative thing for today but it wasn't that bad. In the presentation of our lesson plan our evaluators mention that we seemed less confident with ourselves than other teams, and that we seemed rushed.

However we would meet later that day to go over our flaws. We took the evaluators suggestions and implemented them into our lesson plan. When it was all said and done we made our cons into pros

Quote of the day:"If you fail try and try again".
- unknown author

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