Saturday, June 26, 2010

NASA Ames PSTI June 21st

Challenge: Today our challenge remained the same, we did get some work done however we are lacking in putting the final touches on our lesson plan. I must admit their are some members in my team who are more involved in the lesson plan than others but as team lead I am trying my best to get everyone on the same page of information.

Positives: The positives of today is that we are progressing forward through our lesson plan and making great adjustments.

Negatives; we are running out of time and we need to seal the deal on the lesson plan.

Cool Thing today: We were able to go to the visitor center and see all the cool and fun stuff it had to offer. The one thing I really liked was the awesome video that we got to see, I felt as if we were on a roller coaster ride and we were going through a tour in space.

My team mates

Kelly: I like that Kelly is also on task and I feel that she is the back bone of this group
Lauren & Elisa: I believe Lauren and Elisa are our engineers of the group, because they are always creating new and cool ideas for the lesson plan
Aaron: I like that Aaron is reliable and I know can depend on him to do his task
Elijah: Well so far I been doing the work that has been giving to me and I have been taking the steps to get not only myself involved with the work but also my team mates as well

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