Friday, June 25, 2010

June 25th PSTI 2010

Today was the last day of the internship and it was a day filled with excitement and good byes. I learned so much from this program and I feel that all the knowledge that has been given to us will help me not only in education but also in life in general. When I think about the eleven days at the NASA Ames Research Center I can see the smiles on all our faces, most likely we would be laughing about the funny comments that Richard, Kenda, and the rest of our great staff members. The laboratories that we seen and the Fresno State alumnus that talked to us gave me vision, maybe we the teachers can help send our students to NASA; they can ones to help solve some of the world hardest problems.

My team members were simply great, everything and anything they did was perfect; from the drawing on our mission patches to the final minutes of our presentation of our lesson plan we gave it our hundred percent. My team mates made my experience at NASA better than what I expected and I just want to tell them thank you. I believe everyone in the PSTI 2010 group were perfect, we set the bar for the future interns of this program and I know that everyone in our group will be great teachers(from first grade all the way to college)
we did it guys- this one is for all of us- simply perfect- simply the best !
Congrats PSTI 2010

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