Saturday, June 26, 2010

NASA Ames PSTI 2010 June 17th

Challenge: My team had to try to get lesson plan figured out, I liked it how we were able to get some goods and we are get progress. Tomorrow is going to help put most of our questions to rest, when we get to Raft we will be able to know what things we can put into our lesson plan

really there were no negatives and only positives.

We been given a lot of tours of some labs and they have been really cool. I think my top two labs were the flight simulator and the filter lab. I also think it was awesome to have Fresno State alumni to present to us. MAKES ME FEEL PROUD TO BE A FRESNO STATE BULLDOG!

NASA Ames PSTI June 15th

Challenge: The goals today for my team were to get finish our mission patches and create more details on our lesson plan. So far I can't complain I am working with some great people who are open minded and have smart ideas. I think this will be a great experience for me, I am little dazed to actually believe that I m living at NASA facility; I mean only the best and the brightest get to go here and well I m here.

Can't believe it -Believe it !

It was really cool to see the flight simulation laboratory and even more cool to see the get some gifts for my family

Quote of the day: "This place is AWESOME !!!!

NASA PSTI June 18th 2010

Challenge: Today the task for my team was to find the supplies that we needed for our lesson plan. For the last four days we have been gave each other great ideas and I feel that we have the lesson already done; however we have came to agree that we need to know what the Raft store has to offer in the means of supplies.

We ended up finding ice chests to represent our escape pods, we also find cardboard, paper sheets, and plastic sheeting to represent the building material that the students will be needing for their habitat.

Individual: I think I had some good ideas that shared with my group, some of those concepts were taken into thought of lesson plan and ideas were not. However I made some good progress for the day.

Positives: We all got involved in the search for supplies, really none of us got side track from our duties.

Negatives: It was a long day for us and there was point in time where we all could not decide what supplies were need for the lesson plan. However having long discussions we came to a conclusion we got the items that we needed.

Cool things: We got to see what awesome things inside the Raft store, and how low the prices were was really convenient.

For my team mates: we had a few stops in the road but we kept on trucking on now we are on our way to presenting a great lesson plan.

NASA Ames PSTI June 21st

Challenge: Today our challenge remained the same, we did get some work done however we are lacking in putting the final touches on our lesson plan. I must admit their are some members in my team who are more involved in the lesson plan than others but as team lead I am trying my best to get everyone on the same page of information.

Positives: The positives of today is that we are progressing forward through our lesson plan and making great adjustments.

Negatives; we are running out of time and we need to seal the deal on the lesson plan.

Cool Thing today: We were able to go to the visitor center and see all the cool and fun stuff it had to offer. The one thing I really liked was the awesome video that we got to see, I felt as if we were on a roller coaster ride and we were going through a tour in space.

My team mates

Kelly: I like that Kelly is also on task and I feel that she is the back bone of this group
Lauren & Elisa: I believe Lauren and Elisa are our engineers of the group, because they are always creating new and cool ideas for the lesson plan
Aaron: I like that Aaron is reliable and I know can depend on him to do his task
Elijah: Well so far I been doing the work that has been giving to me and I have been taking the steps to get not only myself involved with the work but also my team mates as well

NASA PSTI 2010 June 22nd

Challenge: Today my team's objective was to be able to complete our lesson so that we can be prepared for our mock presentation tomorrow. For the most part my team was on track and we put in small but important details into our lesson; however one thing that we struggled with was on the idea of maximum weight our students escape pod had to be.
In this part of the lesson plan our students have five minutes to escape the ISS(International Space Station) to a near by asteroid to avoid a crashing comet. They must take only supplies that are necessary for their survival and have a specific weight load in order for the pod to leave the ISS.
My team had careful thought this part through and we decided it would be a great idea if we add the weighting portion in this part of the lesson plan. We did this in order to get the mathematics concepts implemented into the lesson. The concept of having a total weight number in grams would be hard to figure out, but most of us have good a idea were maxuiam of grams should weight.

In class we learned a lot of cool stuff, we found the true scale of the solar system and created our own new websites. In most posters and maps of the solar system planets are depicted to be very close to each other, however as we learned today by modeling the sun in smaller sacle and exactly mearsuring the planets in of milimeters most of the planets are millions of miles away from each other( to make the story short it took us a quarter of mile to get the whole scale of the solar system). The website were very easy to make and it was cool that we received some tips on what to and what not to put on our websites.

The star party was awesome, I got to see the moon's craters and some planets but the one to see was Saturn.

Quote of the day:"squirrel"

Friday, June 25, 2010

NASA PSTI June 23rd 2010

Our mock trail was today, every group had their own run through of their lesson plan. My group stayed up into the late hours of night. I wanted to get a good night sleep but I knew preparation for the lesson plan was more important. The two group members who really stepped it up were Kelly Hinojosa and Lauren Cargill(without these two members I don't know of the lesson plan would have all the great details that it did). I have to state that the rest of my team did their part and took responsibility for the work they had done.

We had some negative thing for today but it wasn't that bad. In the presentation of our lesson plan our evaluators mention that we seemed less confident with ourselves than other teams, and that we seemed rushed.

However we would meet later that day to go over our flaws. We took the evaluators suggestions and implemented them into our lesson plan. When it was all said and done we made our cons into pros

Quote of the day:"If you fail try and try again".
- unknown author

June 24th NASA PSTI

Today my team and I had our biggest and final challenge of the internship. We presented our lesson plan to the fifth and sixth grade students. It seemed at first that my team and I weren't on that page, some of us were confused on what exactly we had to do. But like the good teachers that we plan to be we came through the challenge with bright colors.

Every member in my team talked and contributed to the lesson, none of us were interrupted during our lecturing but most importantly we all worked as team and had great time doing it. I was little nervous at first but once the students walked through that door I changed my shaky self to a teacher who ready for anything and everything. I have to give a big thank you to all my team members, everyone made smooth transitions through the lesson and no one really missed up.

There were really no negatives for today, the only thing we had for a suggestion of lesson plan was that we didn't mention that vocabulary words weren't on wall. I think the students seen the vocab sign though, I would catch students gaze at the posters that we set up on the wall ( mainly vocabulary words).

Quote of the day:"
Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one. "
Malcolm Forbes

June 25th PSTI 2010

Today was the last day of the internship and it was a day filled with excitement and good byes. I learned so much from this program and I feel that all the knowledge that has been given to us will help me not only in education but also in life in general. When I think about the eleven days at the NASA Ames Research Center I can see the smiles on all our faces, most likely we would be laughing about the funny comments that Richard, Kenda, and the rest of our great staff members. The laboratories that we seen and the Fresno State alumnus that talked to us gave me vision, maybe we the teachers can help send our students to NASA; they can ones to help solve some of the world hardest problems.

My team members were simply great, everything and anything they did was perfect; from the drawing on our mission patches to the final minutes of our presentation of our lesson plan we gave it our hundred percent. My team mates made my experience at NASA better than what I expected and I just want to tell them thank you. I believe everyone in the PSTI 2010 group were perfect, we set the bar for the future interns of this program and I know that everyone in our group will be great teachers(from first grade all the way to college)
we did it guys- this one is for all of us- simply perfect- simply the best !
Congrats PSTI 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

NASAAmes 2010PSTI -Day Three

-Today we worked on a few things:
Dr. Obeid ( math & science) (choice of planets, draw planets, explain planets properties, and finally create a graph that looks similar to the game tic-tac-toe planetary style)

-The planets my team mates and I ( team red planet) worked on were Jupiter and Saturn. We had a few descriptions of Jupiter's proprieties but we had a little more details on Saturn. We got most the work done today and we'll finish it up by Thursday of this week.

-After wards we were given a educational tour of Astrology, Life Science and Mars Exploration building. Our tour guide with Dr.Gormly gave us very educational and detail explanations on several scientific experiments that are being conducted for research of water recycling for space travel.

Some of these experiments are based on technical mechanical operations that are currently being used. (ex: forward membrane and reverse membrane draining and refitting of water and substances with it ( salt, etc).

There weren't really any challenges for the day- in my opinion.(other than working on planet descriptions).

Everything was really cool.

Quote of the day:
"Education is a social process. Education is growth. Education is, not a preparation for life; education is life itself."
John Dewey

Monday, June 14, 2010


What Challenges did you work on today?
We have started to create our mission patches and made good brain storms for our lesson plan.
I believe this is a great team for me to be on and I know we will do great on 25th.

:We went through a few exercises about how we would make assessment on surviving on an asteroid for five days. My team quickly thought about interesting and innovating ways for us to make our survival. Question such as :" How much resources will we be allowed to use, what are the calculations and measurements to move away from comet that threaten are space shuttle?". The main focus for our survival was team work .

The resources that we will allow our students to use will be something along the lines to were they can build their survival habitat: tape, maybe cardboard can be used? its still on the blue print. I don't know about the measurements to move away from the comet but I was thinking maybe we can have a full life scale of a graph on floor of the class room in order for the students to see what angles they have to go by to reach the asteroid.
I think we might go over the building of the habitat for our students to survive for the five days.

Individual achievement?
: I am staying on track with my teams and I doing the work that is given to me, however I take the initiative when needed.

Plus Deltas(Change)
What were the positives ?
were getting a lot good ideas around the board and we are ready to start on our lesson

What things should change?
: maybe try to not go into too much detials too quckily- we need to get a general view of what we are doing.

Snaps(Cool things about your team members)
Aaron : he is open mind and asks great questions

Kelly: She strong willed and seems to have the desire to create new ideas

Elisa:She is always asking good questions to keep the team on topic

Lauren: She has great ways of expressing her ideas

Rosa: She seems to be a good mentor for all us

Self:I get my team on the right track and try to keep everyone on the same page